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第2部分(第3/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 开局点满头球天赋,世界杯C罗给我助攻神话三国之至尊帝皇天赋强到爆绿茵传奇虚空拼图业余里踢出来的国足超级后卫画渣又怎样?我靠神笔一路躺赢开局选择亡灵:我有ss级天赋DNF:求你别搞事,我们真服了穿越火影之修真者的逆袭你们的修仙太低端了联盟:哇!这选手名场面简直炸裂融练万物,我在泰拉瑞亚中杀疯了侦探再就业,从好友失踪开始主神诈骗?我可是正经游戏官方网游:敢惹他?内裤都给你偷没了神级边后卫,不训练也得金球奖我是辅助啊!怎么全是阴间英雄?地下城与天灾领主全民领主:开局神级天赋

there stood all the animals from the barn。


最近有家新开张的超市,所有前往光顾的主妇都怀揣着一个美好的愿望——幸运地成为一个购物不用交钱的顾客。这是商店入口处的启事上所承诺的。启事上写着:“请记住,每个星期都有一位可以免费购物的顾客。也许,今天就是您的幸运日!” 几个星期以来,正如自己的许多朋友一样,爱德华太太一直盼望着自己会成为那位幸运的顾客。跟朋友们不同,她一直没有放弃这一期望。家里厨房的碗柜中都塞满了并不实用的东西。她的丈夫建议她不要乱买东西,然而收效甚微。她一直梦想着有一天超市的经理走到她的面前,对她说:“夫人,今天是您的幸运日,您篮子里的所有东西都是免费的。”


A Lucky Customer

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping。 For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised。 It sai: “remember; once a week; one of our customers gets free goods。 This may be your lucky day!”

For several weeks Mrs。 Edwards hoped; like many of her friends; to be the lucky customer。 Unlike her friends; she never gave up hope。 The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things; which she did not need。 Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed。 She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say; “Madam; this is your lucky day。 Everything in your basket is free。”

On Friday morning; after she had finished her shopping and taken it to her car; she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea。 She dashed back to the supermarket; got the tea and went towards the cash desk。 As she did so; she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her。 “Madam;” he said; holding out his hand;“I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!”

花样年华 第二章(3)



