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第1部分(第3/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 现代童话还散楼之幻境奇缘感谢现役之万丈荣光海岛求生,开启简易模式森林深处的星光:居某的睡前故事重生做教练:我有实况无敌舰队李鉄重生,带领曼联大杀四方原神:丘丘人,但是成为冒险家网游:无敌,从合成万物开始开局觉醒毒仙体,整个新手村炸了弹丸论破2之交织协奏曲神之舞拟真世界,我玩重甲神级游走:系统逼我打王者直播游戏唯一指定玩家做游戏的女王摆烂玩网游,赚不到钱就修仙传奇世界:映照现实,技能具现网游:我的速度赶超神明穿越异界:我的双眼能解析万物

has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without。 In an age of extravagance and waste; I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity are。

To regret one’s errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance。

There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man。 The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self。

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塞缪尔·约翰逊 (1709—1784);英国词典编纂家、散文家和文学评论家。他一生穷困潦倒,直到历时九载编纂完成《英语词典》,才声名大振。他才学广博,言谈睿智。诗歌代表作《人类欲望的虚妄》反映了他对人生的独到见解,传记《英国诗人传》坚持以事实作传,把英语传记文学推向更高的水平。


The Happy Valley

Samuel Johnson

“What;” said he; “makes the difference between man and all the rest of the animal creation? Every beast that strays beside me has the same corporal necessities with myself; he is hungry; and crops the grass; he is thirsty; and drinks the stream; his thirst and hunger are appeased; he is satisfied and sleeps; he rises again and he is hungry; he is again fed and is at rest。 I am hungry and thirsty like him; but when thirst and hunger cease I am not at rest; I am; like him; pained with want; but I am not; like him; satisfied with fullness。 The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention。 The birds peck the berries or the corn; and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches; and

