第4部分(第3/5 页)
语言和文学 (Language and Literature)目录((Introduction)语言((Language)一年级学生的读、写 (Reading; Writing; and Your First Grader)教孩子阅读,注意平衡 (Traching Children to Read: The Need for a Balanced Approach)学习阅读和写作 (Learning to Read and Write)读写的目标:从学前班到一年级 (Goals for Reading and Writing: From Kindergarten to First Grade)一个好的一年级教学计划是什么样的? (What Does a Good FIrst…Grade Program Do?)家长如何帮助? (What Parents Can Do to Help?)文学 (Literature)引言 (Introduction)大声朗读 (Read…Aloud Activities)诗歌 (Poetry)和传统民谣 (Traditional Rhymes)小沙利沃克 (Little Sally Walker)如果愿望能变马 (If Wishes Were Horses)红心女王 (The Queen of Hearts)三个聪明人 (Three Wise Men of Gotham)所罗门。格兰门 (Solomon Grundy)九月有三十天 (Thirty Days Hath September)绕口令 (Tongue Twisters)谜语歌谣 (Riddle Rhymes)更多给一年级的诗 (More Poems for First Grade)牧场 (The Pasture)希望 (Hope)一个好游戏 (A Good Play)裁缝 (The Swing)青蛙 (The Frog)紫色的牛 (The Purple Cow)我知道所有动物发出的声音 (I Know All the Sounds That the Animals Make)猫头鹰和小猫咪 (The Owl and the Pussy…cat)我的影子 (My Shadow)跳绳歌谣 (Rope Rhyme)餐桌礼仪 (Table manners)唱首人们的歌 (Sing a Song of People)华盛顿 (Washington)云肯、布林肯与诺德 (Wynken; Blynken; and Nod)感恩节 (Thanksgiving Day)伊索寓言 (Aesop's Fables)狼来了 (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)狐狸和葡萄 (The Fox and the Grapes)马槽中的狗 (The Dog in the Manger)卖牛奶的女孩 (The Maid and the Milk Pail)披着羊皮的狼 (The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing)下金蛋的鹅(The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs)故事 (Stories)所有的故事都是阿南西的 (All Stories Are Anansi's)在堤防上的男孩 (The Boy at the Dike)兄弟兔得到了兄弟狐狸的晚餐 (Brer Rabbit Gets Brer Fox's Dinner)青蛙王子 (The Frog Prince)奇幻森林历险记 (Hansel and Gretel)跳跳虎的早餐 (In Which Tigger es to the Forest and Has Breakfast (from The House at Pooh Corner))一寸法师: 一寸少年 (Issum Boshi: One…Inch Boy)拇指汤姆 (Tom Thumb)事情总可能变得更糟(It Could Always Be Worse)杰克与仙豆 (Jack and the Beanstalk)膝盖高的人 (The Knee…High Man)半鸡 (Medio Pollito)花衣魔笛手 (The Pied Piper of Hamelin)匹诺槽 (Pinocchio)公主与豌豆 (Th