第17部分(第5/6 页)
oss the continent; Latin America's unpetitive economies had been piling up debt。 In the 1970s; a massive hike in world oil prices left foreign banks awash with petrodollars。
ARNOLD HARBERGER: So here were the international banks with billions of dollars and nowhere to earn interest on it。 They discovered Latin America。
阿诺德。哈勃(Arnold Harberger):许多国际银行闲置着大量的美元,找不到投资去处,他们发现了拉丁美洲。
GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA: We were offered unreasonable amounts of money。 These banks who were very unwise in their lending policy came to the happy conclusion that countries don't go broke。 It's true; but sometimes they don't pay。
孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo Sanchez De Lozada):这些大银行给我们提供了过多的贷款,银行在制定他们的贷款政策时是很不明智的,他们兴致盎然地认为国家是不可能破产的。是的,国家是不可能破产,可是有时候国家也可能赖债的。
MOISES NAIM: Guess what? One day; these countries could no longer afford to repay the debts。
莫伊斯。尼曼(Moises Naim):想想是什么情况吧,有一天,这些国家再也无力偿还这些债务了。
NARRATOR: In 1982 a financial crisis in Mexico triggered a chain reaction that caused the 1980s to be known as Latin America's ";lost decade";。
JOSEPH STANISLAW; Author; manding Heights: Bolivia was probably the most severe case of how things had gone wrong in Latin America。 For decades they just printed money。 They collected no taxes in the country。 If you can't collect taxes; you've got to make the money up somehow; so they just printed it。
《制高点》(manding Heights)作者约瑟夫。斯坦利斯诺(Joseph Stanislaw):拉丁美洲的情况很糟糕,而###的情况可能是最为严重的,在几十年中,他们仅仅是在不断地印钞票,没有税收收入。而如果你收不上税,你可能就不得得想法子凑钱,所以他们便印钞票。
GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA: Bolivia was a basket case。 We were considered hopeless。 We had help from nobody。 We were tot