第17部分(第4/6 页)
oing through college in Texas; the first question you'd be asked is ";Who's the president of Bolivia this week?"; Second question down the road was ";You're from Bolivia …… what's the inflation rate in Bolivia this week?;"; because we had galloping hyperinflation that destroyed our economic base。
###总统乔治。昆拉伽(Jorge Quiroga):当我在德克萨斯上大学时,人们见到我问的第一个问题通常是“这周的###总统是谁啊?”,接下来的第二个问题便是:“你从###来?###这周的通货膨胀率是多少啊?”因为我们承受着恶性的通货膨胀,它摧毁了我们的整个经济基础。
GONZALO ";GONI"; SANCHEZ DE LOZADA; President; Bolivia; 1993…1997: We found that Bolivia was the seventh highest inflation in the history of man。
###总统(1993…1997)孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo ";Goni"; Sanchez De Lozada):我们发现###的通货膨胀率是人类历史上第七高的通货膨胀率。
JUAN CARIAGA; Finance Minister; Bolivia; 1986…1988: Twenty…three thousand; five hundred percent。 Prices increased by the hour。
###财政部长(1986…1988)胡安。卡里加(Juan Cariaga):通货膨胀率是23500%价格每小时都在上涨。
NARRATOR: The cost of food and clothes kept increasing。 Before it was all over; the total inflation averaged 1 percent every 10 minutes。
JORGE QUIROGA: Seven out of 10 Bolivians live in poverty。 The poor people get hurt even more。 They see their pockets being eaten away by inflation that is galloping around。
乔治。昆拉伽(Jorge Quiroga):70%的###人生活在贫困之中,穷人经受的痛苦更大,他们眼看着自己的口袋被肆虐的通货膨胀所榨干。
GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA: It's like a tiger; hyperinflation: If you don't kill it and you only have one bullet; it'll eat you。
孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo Sanchez De Lozada):恶性通货膨胀就像是一只老虎,你仅有一颗子弹,如果你射不死它的话,它便会吃了你。
NARRATOR: The root of the problem was government finances。 The government was spending 30 times more than it received in taxes。