首页 > 游戏竞技 > 简爱英文版出版社及出版时间 > 第87部分

第87部分(第4/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 这款游戏绝对有问题复兴利物浦象棋王座体坛万能神豪大航海之钢铁舰岛绝地求生之游戏土豪系统英雄联盟之灭魔篮坛李指导梦幻西游:我有神级进阶系统足球符咒系统我是湖人新老大我在NBA当大佬重拳之下篮球训练馆我是楚球王一别两宽,将军自重,妾身想独美闺蜜齐穿书!嫁糙汉!你离我也离大明:朱元璋假死,我选择登基!骑士与魔杖奇门风水大天师

d an annuity on her for life: and she deserved it—she was a very good woman。 Miss Adèle; a ward he had; was put to school。 He broke off acquaintance with all the gentry; and shut himself up like a hermit at the Hall。”

“What! did he not leave England?”

“Leave England? Bless you; no! He would not cross the door…stones of the house; except at night; when he walked just like a ghost about the grounds and in the orchard as if he had lost his senses— which it is my opinion he had; for a more spirited; bolder; keener gentleman than he was before that midge of a governess crossed him; you never saw; ma’am。 He was not a man given to wine; or cards; or racing; as some are; and he was not so very handsome; but he had a courage and a will of his own; if ever man had。 I knew him from a boy; you see: and for my part; I have often wished that Miss Eyre had been sunk in the sea before she came to Thornfield Hall。”

“Then Mr。 Rochester was at home when the fire broke out?”

“Yes; indeed was he; and he went up to the attics when all was burning above and below; and got the servants out of their beds and helped them down himself; and went back to get his mad wife out of her cell。 And then they called out to him that she was on the roof; where she was standing; waving her arms; above the battlements; and shouting out till they could hear her a mile off: I saw her and heard her with my own eyes。 She was a big woman; and had long black hair: we could see it streaming against the flames as she stood。 I witnessed; and several more witnessed; Mr。 Rochester ascend through the sky…light on to the roof; we heard him call ‘Bertha!’ We saw him approach her; and then; ma’am; she yelled and gave a spring; and the next minute she lay smashed on the pavement。”


