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第87部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 王者:天才只是见我的门槛!超神学院之天使关于猴子掉进泰拉瑞亚这件事篮球小子浩珅成长之路灾难世界之我有红警阿拉德冒险传说狼人杀:神级猎魔,四猎四狼嘴强玩家:我一句话解封众神虚拟现实:这个NPC不是太正经人在荒野,樱花乱杀开局七根羽毛,这也算天赋?全民海洋求生:一发入魂出奇迹玩个游戏而已,怎么成邪神了?我成了逆天系统海岛求生:我靠锦鲤崽崽囤物资女装一万次,我不干净了!小木屋求生:无限危机网游:开局双隐藏职业?我全都要开局弓箭手,满天箭雨了解一下林默安幼鱼我的养成系女友最新章节在线阅读


“You shall tell me this part of the story another time;” I said; “but now I have a particular reason for wishing to hear all about the fire。 Was it suspected that this lunatic; Mrs。 Rochester; had any hand in it?”

“You’ve hit it; ma’am: it’s quite certain that it was her; and nobody but her; that set it going。 She had a woman to take care of her called Mrs。 Poole—an able woman in her line; and very trustworthy; but for one fault—a fault mon to a deal of them nurses and matrons—she kept a private bottle of gin by her; and now and then took a drop over…much。 It is excusable; for she had a hard life of it: but still it was dangerous; for when Mrs。 Poole was fast asleep after the gin and water; the mad lady; who was as cunning as a witch; would take the keys out of her pocket; let herself out of her chamber; and go roaming about the house; doing any wild mischief that came into her head。 They say she had nearly burnt her husband in his bed once: but I don’t know about that。 However; on this night; she set fire first to the hangings of the room next her own; and then she got down to a lower storey; and made her way to the chamber that had been the governess’s—(she was like as if she knew somehow how matters had gone on; and had a spite at her)—and she kindled the bed there; but there was nobody sleeping in it; fortunately。 The governess had run away two months before; and for all Mr。 Rochester sought her as if she had been the most precious thing he had in the world; he never could hear a word of her; and he grew savage—quite savage on his disappointment: he never was a wild man; but he got dangerous after he lost her。 He would be alone; too。 He sent Mrs。 Fairfax; the housekeeper; away to her friends at a distance; but he did it handsomely; for he settle

