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第81部分(第4/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 林云嫣徐简小说全本免费阅读林云嫣徐简小说全文免费阅读完整版狂武战王楚天河秦晓柔林云嫣徐简的小说全文免费阅读无弹窗林云嫣徐简全集小说阅读免费燕辞归免费阅读小说为在空岛生存,连夜钓上神级武将杨洛异界群雄争霸,我慢慢无敌大夏国九皇子夏天司马兰抗战之君临天下罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌免费阅读全文罗天蓝秀儿玄幻开局一身无敌大招免费阅读全文玄幻开局一身无敌大招小说全文免费阅读联盟之卧龙军师联盟之卧龙军师星途:风暴猎杀秦风杨如雪陈浩苏雪重生我主宰了全球经济

r; held me in thrall at present。 Of late it had been easy enough for me to look sad: a cankering evil sat at my heart and drained my happiness at its source—the evil of suspense。

Perhaps you think I had forgotten Mr。 Rochester; reader; amidst these changes of place and fortune。 Not for a moment。 His idea was still with me; because it was not a vapour sunshine could disperse; nor a sand…traced effigy storms could wash away; it was a name graven on a tablet; fated to last as long as the marble it inscribed。 The craving to know what had bee of him followed me everywhere; when I was at Morton; I re…entered my cottage every evening to think of that; and now at Moor House; I sought my bedroom each night to brood over it。

In the course of my necessary correspondence with Mr。 Briggs about the will; I had inquired if he knew anything of Mr。 Rochester’s present residence and state of health; but; as St。 John had conjectured; he was quite ignorant of all concerning him。 I then wrote to Mrs。 Fairfax; entreating information on the subject。 I had calculated with certainty on this step answering my end: I felt sure it would elicit an early answer。 I was astonished when a fortnight passed without reply; but when two months wore away; and day after day the post arrived and brought nothing for me; I fell a prey to the keenest anxiety。

I wrote again: there was a chance of my first letter having missed。 Renewed hope followed renewed effort: it shone like the former for some weeks; then; like it; it faded; flickered: not a line; not a word reached me。 When half a year wasted in vain expectancy; my hope died out; and then I felt dark indeed。

A fine spring shone round me; which I could not enjoy。 Summer approached; Diana tried to cheer me: she said I looked ill; an

