第19部分(第5/7 页)
Mr。 Beckham?s film class。
?So Serena; whatwas it like to wear all those cool Les Best clothes?? Jenny asked; desperate to
change the subject。
Serena stretched her long; lithe arms over her gorgeous blond head and sighed happily。 ?You
really want to know??
Everyone in the group except Blair and Elise nodded eagerly。 ?Okay; I?ll tell you。?
Blair rolled her eyes; daring herself to shut Serena up by announcing the news of her torrid affair
with a married thirty…eight…year…old man; which was a hell of a lot more interesting than prancing
around on a runway in dumb clothes no one wanted to wear anyway。 She glanced down at the
table where Elise was furiously scribbling her name over and over on a sheet of notebook
paper。Elise Wells。 Miss Elise Wells。 Miss Elise Patricia Wells。 E。P。 Wells。
Suddenly Blair felt the entire contents of her stomach do a back walkover into her throat。Wells?
That wasOwen ?s last name。 And Elise had just said she thought herfather was having anaffair 。
Owen hadn?t said anything to her about a daughter; but now that she thought about it; Elise had
his same eyes; and on the stoop Elise had lit two cigarettes exactly the same way Owen had Friday
night in the bar。Christ 。 For all Blair knew; Owen hadten children that he?d just happened to forget
to mention。Fuck!
Blair scraped her chair back and bolted for the nurse?s office behind the cafeteria; getting there
just in time to spew chocolate cake all over Nurse O?Donnell?s hand…hooked farmhouse rug。 It
wasn?t pretty; but it was the quickest way to get sent home sick from school。
As soon as she left; the cafeteria began to hum with the sound of girls trading versions of w