首页 > 游戏竞技 > gossip girl 3 英文 > 第5部分

第5部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 投资天骄百年,女帝称我为师拍遍全网糊咖,醉姐终于火了倚天:重生张无忌,多情公子篮球:悟性逆天,全能控卫我小号都成神了!你们还在升级?电竞经理从保级赛开始我能带出游戏物品我在王者荣耀捡彩蛋NBA大结局之勇士王朝打造梦幻王朝开局信仰负十,你让我当神父?网游之逆道剑仙史上最强赘婿风起,云涌,雷鸣,雨重唐朝小教父隋朝的棋局我们的崛起时代洛杉矶之狼我在斯坦福桥当教练废土开发日记

The taxi stopped in front of the building of 99 with Jenny in the West End Avenue。 She took

the doorknob。

… Hey … Nate said; touching the sleeve of her coat。

He could not let her leave without a good night。 Stoned or not; he had a good creation; and

creation came with good manners。

He kissed the face; the hair color of her skin ro?ando sand。

… Good night … he said with a sweet smile child。

Jenny return the smile; trying desperately to forget the last minute and pretend that the

night had ended with the same perfection with which it began。

… Good night … she said; suddenly reluctant to leave。

… Sleep well … Nate said; eyes faiscando in green light。


Sometimes he could be so incredibly adorable! With overflowing heart of true love; Jenny

broke the door of the taxi and went to the lobby of the building。 Instead of taking the

elevator; she ran the eight flights of stairs and broke out in the apartment。

… Hi … greeted; Dan; his older brother。

Was ing from the corridor; taking two cups of Folgers instant coffee back to the room。


Jenny took the coat of black leather and fake shot in a chair in the corner。 The jacket was

hanging on the back of the chair for a second; then slipped to the floor。 Nobody would

understand it。 The large apartment of four rooms no way effective cleaning for years。

… How was it? … Dan asked

The turquoise pendant in the shape of a star that Nate had it was hanging on his neck。 Jenny

touched him to calm down。

… It was all right。 … She looked at the mugs in the hands of Dan … Vanessa is still there?

Dan seats。 I could feel that something was taking。

… You are。 Wa

