首页 > 游戏竞技 > 芒果街上的小屋 > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/3 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 带S级球娘美少女举起世界杯宇宙之匙冲出二进制网游之近战弓箭手NBA新神降临全民修真从完美游戏崛起全球高武我的战力亿点点电竞曙光绝地枪王我踢前锋,老爹是老板宠后我打黑拳的那些年菜鸟小凡的游戏生涯全球怪物入侵,开局二郎神护体海上开局两脚地,别人求生我求神御兽飞升NBA:天赋拉满,带着卡特夺冠上帝时刻开局解约,我用足球征服欧洲我的弟子遍布全球NBA:从神级签到系统开始无敌

That's nice。 That's very good; she said in her tired voice。 You just remember to keep writing; Esperanza。 You must keep writing。 It will keep you free; and I said yes; but at that time I didn't know what she meant。

The day we played the game; we didn't know she was going to die。 We pretended with our heads thrown back; our arms limp and useless; dangling like the dead。 We laughed the way she did。 We talked the way she talked; the way blind people talk without moving their head。 We imitated the way you had to lift her head a little so she could drink water; she sucked it up slow out of a green tin cup。 The water was warm and tasted like metal。 Lucy laughed。 Rachel too。 We took turns being her。 We screamed in the weak voice of a parrot for Totchy to e and wash those dishes。 It was easy。

We didn't know。 She had been dying such a long time; we forgot。 Maybe she was ashamed。 Maybe she was embarrassed it took so many years。 The kids who wanted to be kids instead of washing dishes and ironing their papa's shirts; and the husband who wanted a wife again。

And then she died; my aunt who listened to my poems。

And then we began to dream the dreams。








Bums in the Attic

I want a house on a hill like the ones with the gardens where Papa works。 We go on Sundays; Papa's day off。 I used 
