首页 > 游戏竞技 > the underground city-地下城(英文版) > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 这款游戏绝对有问题复兴利物浦象棋王座体坛万能神豪大航海之钢铁舰岛绝地求生之游戏土豪系统英雄联盟之灭魔篮坛李指导梦幻西游:我有神级进阶系统足球符咒系统我是湖人新老大我在NBA当大佬重拳之下篮球训练馆我是楚球王一别两宽,将军自重,妾身想独美闺蜜齐穿书!嫁糙汉!你离我也离大明:朱元璋假死,我选择登基!骑士与魔杖奇门风水大天师

ther and son took their picks; their sticks; and their lamps。 They went about searching; sounding the rock with a sharp blow; listening if it would return a favor…able sound。 So long as the soundings had not been pushed to the granite of the primary formation; the Fords were agreed that the search; unsuccessful to…day; might succeed to…morrow; and that it ought to be resumed。 They spent their whole life in endeavoring to bring Aberfoyle back to its former prosperity。 If the father died before the hour of success; the son was to go on with the task alone。

It was during these excursions that Harry was more particularly struck by certain phenomena; which he vainly sought to explain。 Several times; while walking along some narrow cross…alley; he seemed to hear sounds similar to those which would be produced by violent blows of a pickax against the wall。

Harry hastened to seek the cause of this mysterious work。 The tunnel was empty。 The light from the young miner's

lamp; thrown on the wall; revealed no trace of any recent work with pick or crowbar。 Harry would then ask himself if it was not the effect of some acoustic illusion; or some strange and fantastic echo。 At other times; on suddenly throwing a bright light into a suspicious…looking cleft in the rock; he thought he saw a shadow。 He rushed forward。 Nothing; and there was no opening to permit a human being to evade his pursuit!

Twice in one month; Harry; whilst visiting the west end of the pit; distinctly heard distant reports; as if some miner had exploded a charge of dynamite。 The second time; after many careful researches; he found that a pillar had just been blown up。

By the light of his lamp; Harry carefully examined the place attacked by the explosion。 It had not been 
