第24部分(第2/7 页)
one; only years ago; when they were much younger。 She
and Blair were changing out of their one…piece Lands? End bathing suits behind some raspberry
bushes at her house in Ridgefield; Connecticut。 Nate kept threatening to chase them; and they
were giggling so hard they kept pricking themselves and sticking their feet into the wrong holes of
their terrycloth shorts。
?What the f???
Serena couldn?t believe her eyes?it was almost as if she?d conjured him。 Nate stood in front of
them; his eye…brows furrowed; brushing the splinters off the seat of his khaki shorts after jumping
the wooden fence between the two properties。
?Natie!? Serena ran over and threw her arms around him; forgetting how pletely naked she
was。 He hugged her back; awkwardly patting her bare shoulder。 She giggled and bounded back to
Blair?s side; obscuring her privates with a leafy branch。
Blair grinned devilishly。 It somehow seemed so right to run into Nate like this。 There was just
something soobvious about the three of them together again; even if two…thirds of them weren?t
wearing any clothes。
?Strip; Nate!? Blair cried; running after him like she was going to pull down his cargo shorts。 He
ducked behind an oak tree。
?Skinny…dipping?? Nate asked; peeking out from behind the slim tree trunk。
Serena smiled as she studied her old friend or boyfriend or whatever Nate was?she wasn?t even
sure。 That confused expression; those sleepy; stoner green eyes?he hadn?t changed a bit。 But for
once; Nate wasn?t looking back at her at all? he was staring; mouth agape; atBlair。
?Naked is the new clothed;? Blair told him matter of factly。 She placed a hand on the fleshy