首页 > 游戏竞技 > 美妙的故事英文 > 第3部分

第3部分(第2/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 开局点满头球天赋,世界杯C罗给我助攻神话三国之至尊帝皇天赋强到爆绿茵传奇虚空拼图业余里踢出来的国足超级后卫画渣又怎样?我靠神笔一路躺赢开局选择亡灵:我有ss级天赋DNF:求你别搞事,我们真服了穿越火影之修真者的逆袭你们的修仙太低端了联盟:哇!这选手名场面简直炸裂融练万物,我在泰拉瑞亚中杀疯了侦探再就业,从好友失踪开始主神诈骗?我可是正经游戏官方网游:敢惹他?内裤都给你偷没了神级边后卫,不训练也得金球奖我是辅助啊!怎么全是阴间英雄?地下城与天灾领主全民领主:开局神级天赋

she had spent her last summer break。 She still remembered the cool breezes that caressed her skin as she lay on the gritty2 sand。

“Miss Smith, did you hear me?” the secretary annoyingly asked her。 “Oh; sorry。 What did you say?” “Can you send Carla to the office?” the secretary impatiently asked。 “Oh; course;” she replied as she hung up the phone。 She turned from the phone and yelled out Carla’s name。 Carla; who was one of the many who always seemed so needy that were in her class this year。 Carla looked up from her desk; her hair hanging like a matted displaced doll。 Her face was lined with dirt that gave her the appearance of one of those munchkins from the Wizard of Oz。 “You need to go to the office”; she said while Carla slowly rose from her desk。 “Why do I have to go?” whined Carla。 “It’s between you and the office—just go up;” she hastily turned her back as Carla walked out of the room。 Like having free school uniforms is the answer。 It would be nice if just once someone called saying something nice or thanking me for all the endless crap I have to deal with。 With a sigh she walked back to her other students who were clustered at the back table patiently waiting her return。

The rest of the afternoon blurred into one long endless repetition。 Finally the bell rang as a relief。 As she led her students out the door they walked behind her as baby chicks3 returning to their fold。 She noticed that their mother hens clucked to them behind the iron gate。 As she proceeded to walk down the corridor; the air; which rose with the musical tingle of Spanish coloring everything that touched it; greeted her。 She watched with a touch of envy as the children left her to return to those homes that probably were filled with laughter and warmth while she would once again 

