首页 > 游戏竞技 > flipped怎么念 > 第16部分

第16部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 双人方块求生,性感萝莉终成娇妻斩神:我虚无代理人,只想摆烂三角洲行动之第三次世界大战鸣潮:帝皇铠甲,合体!虚拟网游,重生无敌慕名寻来高武:从末世开始星汉灿烂之我自逍遥轮回游戏:开局核平霓虹岛国!她,还这样?综漫之登神长阶火影:宇智波家的团宠大小姐无限:钓系白月光男主他白切黑网游天龙之我为逍遥如懿传:我要的岂止是中宫之位骨瘾谋虎记大唐医女:穿越后我开挂了率土:属于我的故事四合院:刘家长子刘光齐

“Oh;” I said。 “Well; yes。 That is what I was thinking。 Although now I don't know。 Do you think

it would look better to just take them out?”

He shook his head and said; “They're Australian tea shrubs。 They'll prune up nicely。” And

with that; he put on his gloves and started clipping。

At first I didn't know what to say to this man。 It was very strange to be getting his help; but

from the way he was acting; it was as though I shouldn't

have thought a thing of it。 Clip…clip…clip; he went; like this was something he really enjoyed


Then I remembered what Bryce had said about our yard; and suddenly I knew why he was


“What's the matter?” he asked; throwing his clippings into my pile。 “Did I cut it down too far?”


“Then why the look?” he asked。 “I don't mean to make you unfortable。 I just thought you

might like a little help。”

“Well; I don't。 I can do this by myself。”

He laughed and said; “Oh; I have no doubt about that;” then got back to clipping。 “You see;

Julianna; I read about you in the paper; and I've lived

across the street from you for over a year now。 It's easy to see that you're a very petent


inute; but I found myself throwing the clippings into the pile

harder and harder。 And before long I couldn't stand it。 I

just couldn't stand it! I spun on him and said; “You're here because you feel bad about the

eggs; aren't you? Well; our eggs are perfectly fine! We've

……… Page 48………

been eating them for nearly three years and none of us have gotten poisoned。 Mrs。 Stueby

and Mrs。 Helms seem in good health to me; too; and the

fact of the matter is; if you didn't want 

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