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第5部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 双城之战:第九议员网游之独步逍遥校花别撩我,我只想打篮球!绝世唐门之力挽狂澜神话再临:我获得了烛龙血脉风起龙城足坛大魔王我!天灾饲养员!一天不打仗朕就浑身难受NBA:穿越神医变教练带飞姚明斗罗:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿不靠谱剑仙学生议事录让你当王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了?都重生了,还让我从头开始纵横率土从获得神豪系统开始网游之剑界木叶:来自宇智波的灵魂之王斗罗之霍雨浩知道了剧情丹道仙族

d Granddad; trying to pick up on why

we were miffed at each other。

Not that he had anything to be miffed at me about。 What had I done to him; anyway? Nothing。

Nada。 But he was; I could tell。 And I pletely

avoided looking at him until about halfway through dinner; when I sneaked a peek。

He was studying me; all right。 And even though it wasn't a mean stare; or a hard stare; it was;

you know; firm。 Steady。 And it weirded me out。

What was his deal?

I didn't look at him again。 Or at my mother。 I just went back to eating and pretended to listen

to my dad。 And the first chance I got; I excused myself

and holed up in my room。

I was planning to call my friend Garrett like I usually do when I'm bent about something。 I

even punched in his number; but I don't know。 I just hung

up。And later when my mom came in; I faked like I was sleeping。 I haven't done that in years。

The whole night was weird like that。 I just wanted to be

left alone。

Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next morning。 Or Friday morning。 She was at school; but you'd

never know it if you didn't actually look。 She didn't whip

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her hand through the air trying to get the teacher to call on her or charge through the halls

getting to class。 She didn't make unsolicited ments for

the teacher's edification or challenge the kids who took cuts in the milk line。 She just sat。


I told myself I should be glad about it — it was like she wasn't even there; and isn't that what

I'd always wanted? But still; I felt bad。 About her tree;

about how she hurried off to eat by herself in the library at lunch; about how her eyes were

red around th

