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第12部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 游戏降临:输出都得喊我一声妈!我就是打球某咒术的心理治疗师仗剑独行斩鬼神美漫哥谭没有蝙蝠侠灌篮高手之赤木来袭全民穿越:从石头人开始赋生万物重生利物浦NBA:从不一样的湖人队开始游戏王者异常乐园老婆的神级陪练天下第一足球经理风尘四起网游之金币为真种田游戏就是要肝网游:开局获得辟邪剑谱泡面首富这款游戏绝对有问题复兴利物浦

 to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs。 We are; and must be; one and all; burdened with faults in this world: but the time will soon e when; I trust; we shall put them off in putting off our corruptible bodies; when debasement and sin will fall from us with this cumbrous frame of flesh; and only the spark of the spirit will remain;—the impalpable principle of light and thought; pure as when it left the Creator to inspire the creature: whence it came it will return; perhaps again to be municated to some being higher than man—perhaps to pass through gradations of glory; from the pale human soul to brighten to the seraph! Surely it will never; on the contrary; be suffered to degenerate from man to fiend? No; I cannot believe that: I hold another creed: which no one ever taught me; and which I seldom mention; but in which I delight; and to which I cling: for it extends hope to all: it makes Eternity a rest—a mighty home; not a terror and an abyss。 Besides; with this creed; I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime; I can so sincerely forgive the first while I abhor the last: with this creed revenge never worries my heart; degradation never too deeply disgusts me; injustice never crushes me too low: I live in calm; looking to the end。”

Helen’s head; always drooping; sank a little lower as she finished this sentence。 I saw by her look she wished no longer to talk to me; but rather to converse with her own thoughts。 She was not allowed much time for meditation: a monitor; a great rough girl; presently came up; exclaiming in a strong Cumberland accent—

“Helen Burns; if you don’t go and put your drawer in order; and fold up your work this minute; I’ll tell Miss Scatcherd to e and look at it!”

Helen sighed as her reverie

