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第69部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 当NPC来做游戏战云之心:网游勇者归来网游之开局天赋掠夺,技能全靠抢创造巅峰之最强玩家篮球小子的成神之路王者:班主任竟是游戏主播?网游:史上最强菜鸟剑士LOL:我都夺冠了,系统才来?地书之主全民海岛求生:我能听到万物心声绝地求生最强职业吃鸡死灵法师在漫威金球王子伊格拉尔神级大主播沉迷现实无法自拔贪婪洞窟:我的幸运提高一切概率刚子,你怎么还在砍传奇网游之无限剽窃被雷劈,然后获得天降美少女?

have no fear。 Do with me and for me as you like; but excuse me from much discourse—my breath is short—I feel a spasm when I speak。” All three surveyed me; and all three were silent。

“Hannah;” said Mr。 St。 John; at last; “let her sit there at present; and ask her no questions; in ten minutes more; give her the remainder of that milk and bread。 Mary and Diana; let us go into the parlour and talk the matter over。”

They withdrew。 Very soon one of the ladies returned—I could not tell which。 A kind of pleasant stupor was stealing over me as I sat by the genial fire。 In an undertone she gave some directions to Hannah。 Ere long; with the servant’s aid; I contrived to mount a staircase; my dripping clothes were removed; soon a warm; dry bed received me。 I thanked God—experienced amidst unutterable exhaustion a glow of grateful joy—and slept。

Chapter 29

The recollection of about three days and nights succeeding this is very dim in my mind。 I can recall some sensations felt in that interval; but few thoughts framed; and no actions performed。 I knew I was in a small room and in a narrow bed。 To that bed I seemed to have grown; I lay on it motionless as a stone; and to have torn me from it would have been almost to kill me。 I took no note of the lapse of time—of the change from morning to noon; from noon to evening。 I observed when any one entered or left the apartment: I could even tell who they were; I could understand what was said when the speaker stood near to me; but I could not answer; to open my lips or move my limbs possible。 Hannah; the servant; ing disturbed me。 I had a feeling that she wished me away: that she did not understand me or my circumstances; that she was prejudiced against me。 Diana and Mary appeared in the chamber once or twice
