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第2部分(第6/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 这款游戏绝对有问题复兴利物浦象棋王座体坛万能神豪大航海之钢铁舰岛绝地求生之游戏土豪系统英雄联盟之灭魔篮坛李指导梦幻西游:我有神级进阶系统足球符咒系统我是湖人新老大我在NBA当大佬重拳之下篮球训练馆我是楚球王一别两宽,将军自重,妾身想独美闺蜜齐穿书!嫁糙汉!你离我也离大明:朱元璋假死,我选择登基!骑士与魔杖奇门风水大天师

did so before;” at last said Bessie; turning to the Abigail。

“But it was always in her;” was the reply。 “I’ve told Missis often my opinion about the child; and Missis agreed with me。 She’s an underhand little thing: I never saw a girl of her age with so much cover。”

Bessie answered not; but ere long; addressing me; she said—“You ought to be aware; Miss; that you are under obligations to Mrs。 Reed: she keeps you: if she were to turn you off; you would have to go to the poorhouse。”

I had nothing to say to these words: they were not new to me: my very first recollections of existence included hints of the same kind。 This reproach of my dependence had bee a vague sing…song in my ear: very painful and crushing; but only half intelligible。 Miss Abbot joined in—

“And you ought not to think yourself on an equality with the Misses Reed and Master Reed; because Missis kindly allows you to be brought up with them。 They will have a great deal of money; and you will have none: it is your place to be humble; and to try to make yourself agreeable to them。”

“What we tell you is for your good;” added Bessie; in no harsh voice; “you should try to be useful and pleasant; then; perhaps; you would have a home here; but if you bee passionate and rude; Missis will send you away; I am sure。”

“Besides;” said Miss Abbot; “God will punish her: He might strike her dead in the midst of her tantrums; and then where would she go? e; Bessie; we will leave her: I wouldn’t have her heart for anything。 Say your prayers; Miss Eyre; when you are by yourself; for if you don’t repent; something bad might be permitted to e down the chimney and fetch you away。”

They went; shutting the door; and locking it behind them。

The red…room ber; very seldom slept i

