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第15部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 当NPC来做游戏战云之心:网游勇者归来网游之开局天赋掠夺,技能全靠抢创造巅峰之最强玩家篮球小子的成神之路王者:班主任竟是游戏主播?网游:史上最强菜鸟剑士LOL:我都夺冠了,系统才来?地书之主全民海岛求生:我能听到万物心声绝地求生最强职业吃鸡死灵法师在漫威金球王子伊格拉尔神级大主播沉迷现实无法自拔贪婪洞窟:我的幸运提高一切概率刚子,你怎么还在砍传奇网游之无限剽窃被雷劈,然后获得天降美少女?

ng; “Fortunately; I have it in my power to supply deficiencies for this once。”

Having invited Helen and me to approach the table; and placed before each of us a cup of tea with one delicious but thin morsel of toast; she got up; unlocked a drawer; and taking from it a parcel wrapped in paper; disclosed presently to our eyes a good…sized seed…cake。

“I meant to give each of you some of this to take with you;” said she; “but as there is so little toast; you must have it now;” and she proceeded to cut slices with a generous hand。

We feasted that evening as on nectar and ambrosia; and not the least delight of the entertainment was the smile of gratification with which our hostess regarded us; as we satisfied our famished appetites on the delicate fare she liberally supplied。

Tea over and the tray removed; she again summoned us to the fire; we sat one on each side of her; and now a conversation followed between her and Helen; which it was indeed a privilege to be admitted to hear。

Miss Temple had always something of serenity in her air; of state in her mien; of refined propriety in her language; which precluded deviation into the ardent; the excited; the eager: something which chastened the pleasure of those who looked on her and listened to her; by a controlling sense of awe; and such was my feeling now: but as to Helen Burns; I was struck with wonder。

The refreshing meal; the brilliant fire; the presence and kindness of her beloved instructress; or; perhaps; more than all these; something in her oind; had roused her powers within her。 They woke; they kindled: first; they glowed in the bright tint of her cheek; which till this hour I had never seen but pale and bloodless; then they shone in the liquid lustre of her eyes; ore sing
