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第27部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 一天不打仗朕就浑身难受NBA:穿越神医变教练带飞姚明斗罗:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿不靠谱剑仙学生议事录让你当王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了?都重生了,还让我从头开始纵横率土从获得神豪系统开始网游之剑界木叶:来自宇智波的灵魂之王斗罗之霍雨浩知道了剧情丹道仙族鬼灭:开局抽到了流刃若火东京:开局捡到隔壁大姐姐LOL:万倍削弱,白银申请出战我唐僧:开局进入惊悚游戏我只是个NPC啊!圣斗士:这个双子座有点儿坑升级,升级,还是升级!神话!我,冥王哈迪斯!

Maybe my grandfather's happy about all this; but I'm miserable。 I can't eat; I can't watch TV; I

can't seem to do anything。

So I went to bed early; but I can't sleep。 I've watched her house from my window for hours

now。 I've stared at the sky; I've counted sheep。 But man;

I can't stop kicking myself for what an idiot I've been all these years。

And now how am I going to make her listen to me? I'd scale that monster sycamore if I could。

Right to the top。 And I'd yell her name across the

rooftops for the whole world to hear。

And since you know what a tree…climbing weenie I am; I think it's pretty clear that I'm willing

to do anything to get her to talk to me。 Man; I'll dive

after her into a chicken coop full of poop if that's what it takes。 I'll ride my bike all the stinkin'

way to school for the rest of eternity if it means being

with her。

Something。 I've got to e up with some thing to show her that I've changed。 To prove to

her that I understand。

But what? How do I show her that I'm not the guy she thinks I am? How do I erase everything

I've done and start over?

Maybe I can't。 Maybe it just can not be done。 But if I've learned one thing from Juli Baker; it's

that I've got to put my whole heart and soul into it and


Whatever happens; I know that my grandfather's right about one thing。

I'll never be the same again。

The Basket Boys

The Monday after the Loskis' dinner party; Darla tracked me down at school and forced

Bryce Loski back into my brain。 “Jules! Whoa; girl; wait up!

How have you been?”

“I'm fine; Darla; how are you?”

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“No; seriously;” she whispered。 
