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第51部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 亡者系统网游无限属性我能制造副本英雄联盟:我,就是版本全民求生:我那神奇的运气英雄联盟:开局一秒五刀震惊国服魔女,我真不是深海古神!野兽球王科斯塔CSGO:什么叫六边形狙击手啊国足荣耀:天才神锋的崛起庄园求生:开局抽中红色天赋月亮向我而来[王者]我的系统太懂女主了公路求生:我能无限抽取载具王者:不是哥们,你大学拿冠军?战龙上班,然后教育魔法少女汉匈:一不小心成了大唐天可汗我持刀护你[电竞]网游之天空大领主

ting with moonrise。”

It is one of my faults; that though my tongue is sometimes prompt enough at an answer; there are times when it sadly fails me in framing an excuse; and always the lapse occurs at some crisis; when a facile word or plausible pretext is specially wanted to get me out of painful embarrassment。 I did not like to walk at this hour alone with Mr。 Rochester in the shadowy orchard; but I could not find a reason to allege for leaving him。 I followed with lagging step; and thoughts busily bent on discovering a means of extrication; but he himself looked so posed and so grave also; I became ashamed of feeling any confusion: the evil—if evil existent or prospective there was—seemed to lie with me only; his mind was unconscious and quiet。

“Jane;” he remenced; as we entered the laurel walk; and slowly strayed down in the direction of the sunk fence and the horse… chestnut; “Thornfield is a pleasant place in summer; is it not?”

“Yes; sir。”

“You must have bee in some degree attached to the house;—you; who have an eye for natural beauties; and a good deal of the organ of Adhesiveness?”

“I am attached to it; indeed。”

“And though I don’t prehend how it is; I perceive you have acquired a degree of regard for that foolish little child Adèle; too; and even for simple dame Fairfax?”

“Yes; sir; in different ways; I have an affection for both。”

“And would be sorry to part with them?”


“Pity!” he said; and sighed and paused。 “It is always the way of events in this life;” he continued presently: “no sooner have you got settled in a pleasant resting…place; than a voice calls out to you to rise and move on; for the hour of repose is expired。”

“Must I move on; sir?” I asked。 “Must I leave Thor

落跑皇妃:笑倾天下xiao成为王网王 无冕之王by风过の幽然楚留香系列画眉鸟掠夺你的心您好,我想找一份不用砍人的工作