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第36部分(第3/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 全民荒野求生,开局SSS级天赋游戏现实双面板,别人刷怪我看海法爷永远是你大爷网游之取名麻烦DNF之神级高手玩家哭诉,这个npc杀人不眨眼跳动的球网从网红到拳王DNF之全民公敌王者荣耀之高手来袭扬名NBA精灵之从头再来火影忍者之善与恶网游:我火神,输出高亿点怎么了游戏降临现实:开局就有变态系统网游,我言出,你去法随梦回黄金一代漫威之超神科技系统异境:我能召唤书中人物路过的游戏

itary team won the second prize in this petition。

6。 Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which significantly contributed to the success of an activity or project。 描述一个例子, 你提供了一个创新的想法, 使得某一个活动或者项目取得了成功。

问题分析: 考查意图: 创新能力。关键词是creative idea, significantly contributed。所以, 你的描述要包括你的创新意识、 创新依据、 有了创新的想法之后如何去实现它, 以及这个创新想法起到了多么重要的作用。


(1) (What) I suggested that we set the topic to be 〃Sell Yourself〃 for the annual speech contest in our school。

(2) (Situation) Each year our school holds a speech contest; the topic is randomly chosen by the teachers; for example; how to protect the environment; the importance of honesty; and so on。 Students are not very excited about these topics。

(3) (Task) I am quite interested in participating in speech contests; but I'd like them to be different; more exciting and more useful。 So I decided to offer some suggestions to our school。

(4) (Actions)

i。 I proposed three topics: Sell Yourself; Where I'll be in 3 Years; Be petitive。 All focus on future job hunting and career development; which I believe are attractive topics to most students。

ii。 I surveyed other students and got the information that Sell Yourself seemed better; because it gave us a chance not only to say something; but possibly to sing and dance in addition to just speak。

(5) (Result) My proposal was used in the Speech Contest; which was enjoyed by the students。 Over 500 students came to watch the speech contest; double the previous audience size。 And the participants said the topic gave them a good opportunity to show off and bee more confident。

7。 Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities。 描述一个例子, 说明你如何评估形

