首页 > 游戏竞技 > 哪些道理让你后悔没有早懂 > 第35部分

第35部分(第5/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:重铸万物,我名为匠神网游:从一场邂逅开始梦幻西游:万能回收游戏大神是学霸三国:我不是曹睿1991我的年代华娱吞噬星空之支取天赋什么邪法?我这是正儿八经的正法从武道通神开始小富则安多我一个后富怎么了我没落网,凭什么说我有罪!别再催眠我了,反派皇女!三国降临现世从无球开始我有一群地球玩家网游之红警在线篮坛梗王热血传奇之异世全职高手全职明星

zed the first activity of the Management School English Association。

(2) (Situation) As the association is newly founded; not many students show interest in our activities; and we lack efficient ways of helping the existing members to improve their English。

(3) (Task) We decided to make some improvements in our association; in order to help more than two hundred freshmen and sophomores with their English while publicizing our group。

(4) (Actions: 利用原文的Key Words)

i。 Seek out relevant information:

* What kind of entertainment was popular among students that also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively?

* Which teacher was suitable for this position?

* When were our members available?

* Which place was convenient for a large attendance?

* Other related factors; such as the availability of facilities and the layout of the spots。

ii。 Key issue: What are the weak points of the students' English abilities? Vocabulary? Listening? Speaking? Grammar? Writing?

iii。 Decide on the steps to take:

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