首页 > 游戏竞技 > 哪些道理让你后悔没有早懂 > 第35部分

第35部分(第3/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 全民荒野求生,开局SSS级天赋游戏现实双面板,别人刷怪我看海法爷永远是你大爷网游之取名麻烦DNF之神级高手玩家哭诉,这个npc杀人不眨眼跳动的球网从网红到拳王DNF之全民公敌王者荣耀之高手来袭扬名NBA精灵之从头再来火影忍者之善与恶网游:我火神,输出高亿点怎么了游戏降临现实:开局就有变态系统网游,我言出,你去法随梦回黄金一代漫威之超神科技系统异境:我能召唤书中人物路过的游戏

show to celebrate the Anniversary of Tianjin University; and won 3rd Prize out of 18 teams。

(2) (Situation & Key Word: demanding) On the anniversary night; there was a huge celebration party; where songs; dances and dramas were played。 Each school should design five shows; and our class volunteered to design one。 It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams。

(3)(Task) As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance; which was a drama。 I had to deal with the pressure from study; my classmates' disinterest in acting; and my role as the king in the drama。

(4) (Actions, Key Words: how I saw it through)

First; as there were only 20 students in my class; I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role; or making tools or costumes。

Second; since at the end of the term each member was busy with study; the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic。 All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal。

Third; music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party。

In addition; I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners。

(5) (Result) In the end; our performance was very successful。 Not only did I act the 〃king〃 wonderfully; but also got good marks on the final exam。

2。 Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others to plete an important task; and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted。 描述一个例子, 你团结了一群人共同努力, 并为取得成功起到了带头作用。

问题分析: 考查意图: 领导才能, 关键词: took the initiative; get others to plete; leading role。 所以, 你在描述的时候要重点描述自己吸引他人参与、 团结并鼓励他人、 

