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第1部分(第6/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: LCK的中国外援开局融合巅峰库里,哥求你了她是领主公路求生之大玩家霍格沃茨:我能看到你的名字华夏魔术师:全NBA都想断我球全班穿越,我有医药系统带赢祖国公路求生:我能听到提示全民领主:从吸血鬼开始无限爆兵亡者系统网游无限属性我能制造副本英雄联盟:我,就是版本全民求生:我那神奇的运气英雄联盟:开局一秒五刀震惊国服魔女,我真不是深海古神!野兽球王科斯塔CSGO:什么叫六边形狙击手啊国足荣耀:天才神锋的崛起庄园求生:开局抽中红色天赋

little children。”

“What does Bessie say I have done?” I asked。

“Jane; I don’t like cavillers or questioners; besides; there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner。 Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly; remain silent。”

A breakfast…room adjoined the drawing…room; I slipped in there。 It contained a bookcase: I soon possessed myself of a volume; taking care that it should be one stored with pictures。 I mounted into the window…seat: gathering up my feet; I sat cross…legged; like a Turk; and; having drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close; I was shrined in double retirement。

Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand; to the left were the clear panes of glass; protecting; but not separating me from the drear November day。 At intervals; while turning over the leaves of my book; I studied the aspect of that winter afternoon。 Afar; it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud; near a scene of wet lawn and storm…beat shrub; with ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable blast。

I returned to my book—Bewick’s History of British Birds: the letterpress thereof I cared little for; generally speaking; and yet there were certain introductory pages that; child as I was; I could not pass quite as a blank。 They were those which treat of the haunts of sea…fowl; of “the solitary rocks and promontories” by them only inhabited; of the coast of Norway; studded with isles from its southern extremity; the Lindeness; or Naze; to the North Cape—

“Where the Northern Ocean; in vast whirls;

Boils round the naked; melancholy isles

Of farthest Thule; and the Atlantic surge

Pours in among the stormy Hebrides。”

Nor could I pass unnoticed the s

