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第40部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 战龙上班,然后教育魔法少女汉匈:一不小心成了大唐天可汗我持刀护你[电竞]网游之天空大领主信息素上瘾小心我夹爆你喔[电竞]全民游戏:开局极夜荒野求生全民求生,榜一她总是不看路快到游戏里来联盟之声望系统暗区:重生到暗区刚内测星穹之上与光同行巨兽求生战场:开局获得幸运七!洛杉矶之王三国无双之最强战神王者:六边形战士开创AG王朝领主:我的蚁族无限进化从MC开始的异界生活绿茵神锋

face grew momently darker; more dissatisfied; and more sourly expressive of disappointment。 She had obviously not heard anything to her advantage: and it seemed to me; from her prolonged fit of gloom and taciturnity; that she herself; notwithstanding her professed indifference; attached undue importance to whatever revelations had been made her。

Meantime; Mary Ingram; Amy and Louisa Eshton; declared they dared not go alone; and yet they all wished to go。 A negotiation was opened through the medium of the ambassador; Sam; and after much pacing to and fro; till; I think; the said Sam’s calves must have ached with the exercise; permission was at last; with great difficulty; extorted from the rigorous Sibyl; for the three to wait upon her in a body。

Their visit was not so still as Miss Ingram’s had been: we heard hysterical giggling and little shrieks proceeding from the library; and at the end of about twenty minutes they burst the door open; and came running across the hall; as if they were half…scared out of their wits。

“I am sure she is something not right!” they cried; one and all。 “She told us such things! She knows all about us!” and they sank breathless into the various seats the gentlemen hastened to bring them。

Pressed for further explanation; they declared she had told them of things they had said and done when they were mere children; described books and ornaments they had in their boudoirs at home: keepsakes that different relations had presented to them。 They affirmed that she had even divined their thoughts; and had whispered in the ear of each the name of the person she liked best in the world; and informed them of what they most wished for。

Here the gentlemen interposed with earnest petitions to be further enlightened 
