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第26部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 战龙上班,然后教育魔法少女汉匈:一不小心成了大唐天可汗我持刀护你[电竞]网游之天空大领主信息素上瘾小心我夹爆你喔[电竞]全民游戏:开局极夜荒野求生全民求生,榜一她总是不看路快到游戏里来联盟之声望系统暗区:重生到暗区刚内测星穹之上与光同行巨兽求生战场:开局获得幸运七!洛杉矶之王三国无双之最强战神王者:六边形战士开创AG王朝领主:我的蚁族无限进化从MC开始的异界生活绿茵神锋

The third showed the pinnacle of an iceberg piercing a polar winter sky: a muster of northern lights reared their dim lances; close serried; along the horizon。 Throwing these into distance; rose; in the foreground; a head;—a colossal head; inclined towards the iceberg; and resting against it。 Two thin hands; joined under the forehead; and supporting it; drew up before the lower features a sable veil; a brow quite bloodless; white as bone; and an eye hollow and fixed; blank of meaning but for the glassiness of despair; alone were visible。 Above the temples; amidst wreathed turban folds of black drapery; vague in its character and consistency as cloud; gleamed a ring of white flame; gemmed with sparkles of a more lurid tinge。 This pale crescent was “the likeness of a kingly crown;” what it diademed was “the shape which shape had none。”

“Were you happy when you painted these pictures?” asked Mr。 Rochester presently。

“I was absorbed; sir: yes; and I was happy。 To paint them; in short; was to enjoy one of the keenest pleasures I have ever known。”

“That is not saying much。 Your pleasures; by your own account; have been few; but I daresay you did exist in a kind of artist’s dreamland while you blent and arranged these strange tints。 Did you sit at them long each day?”

“I had nothing else to do; because it was the vacation; and I sat at them from morning till noon; and from noon till night: the length of the midsummer days favoured my inclination to apply。”

“And you felt self…satisfied with the result of your ardent labours?”

“Far from it。 I was tormented by the contrast between my idea and my handiwork: in each case I had imagined something which I was quite powerless to realise。”

“Not quite: you have secured the shadow of y
