首页 > 游戏竞技 > 交易成本是什么成本 > 第27部分

第27部分(第3/3 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 投资天骄百年,女帝称我为师拍遍全网糊咖,醉姐终于火了倚天:重生张无忌,多情公子篮球:悟性逆天,全能控卫我小号都成神了!你们还在升级?电竞经理从保级赛开始我能带出游戏物品我在王者荣耀捡彩蛋NBA大结局之勇士王朝打造梦幻王朝开局信仰负十,你让我当神父?网游之逆道剑仙史上最强赘婿风起,云涌,雷鸣,雨重唐朝小教父隋朝的棋局我们的崛起时代洛杉矶之狼我在斯坦福桥当教练废土开发日记

tion of Industry: Rejoinder�” Journal of Political Economy; Vol� 79 (March/April 1971); pp� 364~365�

Williamson; O� E� “The Economics of Defense Contracting: Incentives and Performance;” in Issues in Defense Economics; New York: 1967; pp� 217~256�

� “The Vertical Integration of Production: Market Failure Considerations�” The American Economic Review; Vol� 61� No� 2 (May 1971); pp� 112~123�

� “Administrative Controls and Regulatory Beh*ior;” in H� M� Trebing; ed�; Essays on Public Utility Pricing and Regulation; East Lansing; Mich�: 1971b; pp�411~438�

� “Patent and Antitrust Law: Book Review�” Yale Law Journal� Vol�83 (January 1974a); pp� 647~661�

� “The Economics of Antitrust: Transaction Cost Considerations�” University of Pennsylvania Law Review; Vol� 122 (June 1974b); pp� 1439~1496�

� Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and �Antitrust Implications� New York: Free Press; 1975�

; Wachter; M� and Harris; J� “Uncderstinding the Employment elation: The Analysis of Idiosyncratic Exchange�” The Bell Journal of Economics; Vol�6; No�I (Spring 1975); pp� 250~278

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