第14部分(第5/7 页)
Spare me。 I mean; what's wrong with letting a guy cut down a tree on his own property so he
can build a house? His lot; his tree; his decision。
End of story。 The piece in the paper was gag…me gush。
Except。 Except for the places aybe it was just in contrast to the
reporter's slant or something; but Juli's parts didn't e
off oh…woe…is…me like I was expecting。 They were; I don't know; deep。 Sitting in that tree was
seriously philosophical to her。
And the odd thing is; it all made sense to me。 She talked about what it felt like to be up in that
tree; and how it; like; transcended dimensional
space。 “To be held above the earth and brushed by the wind;” she said; “it's like your heart
has been kissed by beauty。” Who in junior high do you
know that would put together a sentence like that? None of my friends; that's for sure。
There was other stuff; too; like how something can be so much more than the parts it took to
make it; and why people need things around them
that lift them above their lives and make them feel the miracle of living。
I wound up reading and re…reading her parts; wondering when in the world she started
thinking like that。 I mean; no kidding; Juli Baker's smart; but
this was something way beyond straight A's。
A month ago if I'd read this article; I would have chucked it in the trash as plete garbage;
but for some reason it made sense to me now。 A lot
of sense。
A month ago I also wouldn't have paid any attention to the picture of Juli; but now I found
myself staring at it。 Not the one of the whole scene —
that was more emergency rescue equipment than Juli。 The other one; on the bottom half