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第7部分(第2/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 御兽飞升NBA:天赋拉满,带着卡特夺冠上帝时刻开局解约,我用足球征服欧洲我的弟子遍布全球NBA:从神级签到系统开始无敌求生:开局战五渣,全靠宠物带躺全民神祇:从鼠人到战争神王!冷傲君少三岁半网游:每天获得士兵不过分吧逆水寒:开局掉落琼华白羽!网游,我的运气有亿点点好网游之异世入侵我在游戏里当造物主木筏求生,重生把前男友喂鲨鱼从小排球开始的征途带着骑砍称霸权游游戏巅峰:神域之战NBA之开局获得乔丹投篮技能包NBA:开局20亿,买下尼克斯

 leaders here to hold the discussion; and we could put it on air as the July’s special weekend night program。”(我对Rods先生谈了一个提议,想让你做一个跟中国的金融服务公司有关的节目,放在下个月周末的特别节目里。你知道现在很多人对中国部分金融机构从国有向私有企业制转变很感兴趣。我想要你采访一些企业的老总,政府官员,学者和这边纽约大学和哥大商学院的教授,最好能够请一些企业家美国来。我们可以在七月份周末晚间播出这个节目。)

“That sounds very interesting; but it certainly requires time for me to gather my resources to get to these people。”(这个主意很有意思,但是我可能需要花点时间去接触这些人)我回答道。 txt小说上传分享


“I surely know that。 That’s why I’m saying you will need to stay in China for a period of time。 Look; G; I am so sorry to h*e you tr*eling around so frequently last season; but you are the only one knows how to access to resources and information both here and in China。” (我当然知道。这就是为什么我说你可以在中国待一段时间。我很抱歉上个季度让你东奔西跑,但是你是唯一一个了解怎样在中国和美国去获取信息的人。)Sarah说得很诚恳。我们走进她的办公室,她示意我坐下,并递给了我一份打印的名单:”I let Patrick h*e this ready before your arrival。 The list includes all the organizations in Beijing; Shanghai and Shenzhen that would fit our topic。 You can h*e your own selection based on your profession; but there are certain orgs that we definitely want to h*e their opinions on this issue。 I h*e highlighted them for you。 “(我让Patrick务必在你来之前把这个准备好。这上面又在北京上海深圳你所有可能用到的企业的名单。你可以根据经验自行选择,但是有一些企业我是很愿意听听他们的意见的。我用笔给你标注出来了。)

”Sarah;”我匆匆看了一眼单上的中文,指着一家公司的英文名字说:”This one; CIIG。 It’s always been a private owned pany; never had anything to do with the government。 I doubt it will fit our target。” (这一家,中际。它一直都是私人企业,和国家没有任何关系。是不是有点不符合我们的条件?)

Sarah戴上眼镜扫了一眼名单,说:”That’s a very interesting one though。 I’m going to tell you about this。 I heard that it had earned billions of business from its international financial investments last year。 For a private pany in this field in China; I think that’s historic; especially it’s under the leadership of a very yo

