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第47部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 游戏降临:输出都得喊我一声妈!我就是打球某咒术的心理治疗师仗剑独行斩鬼神美漫哥谭没有蝙蝠侠灌篮高手之赤木来袭全民穿越:从石头人开始赋生万物重生利物浦NBA:从不一样的湖人队开始游戏王者异常乐园老婆的神级陪练天下第一足球经理风尘四起网游之金币为真种田游戏就是要肝网游:开局获得辟邪剑谱泡面首富这款游戏绝对有问题复兴利物浦

rdon for offences by me unmitted。 I looked into a certain corner near; half…expecting to see the slim outline of a once dreaded switch which used to lurk there; waiting to leap out imp…like and lace my quivering palm or shrinking neck。 I approached the bed; I opened the curtains and leant over the high…piled pillows。

Well did I remember Mrs。 Reed’s face; and I eagerly sought the familiar image。 It is a happy thing that time quells the longings of vengeance and hushes the promptings of rage and aversion。 I had left this woman in bitterness and hate; and I came back to her now with no other emotion than a sort of ruth for her great sufferings; and a strong yearning to forget and forgive all injuries—to be reconciled and clasp hands in amity。

The well…known face was there: stern; relentless as ever—there was that peculiar eye which nothing could melt; and the somewhat raised; imperious; despotic eyebrow。 How often had it lowered on me menace and hate! and how the recollection of childhood’s terrors and sorrows revived as I traced its harsh line now! And yet I stooped down and kissed her: she looked at me。

“Is this Jane Eyre?” she said。

“Yes; Aunt Reed。 How are you; dear aunt?”

I had once vowed that I would never call her aunt again: I thought it no sin to forget and break that vow now。 My fingers had fastened on her hand which lay outside the sheet: had she pressed mine kindly; I should at that moment have experienced true pleasure。 But unimpressionable natures are not so soon softened; nor are natural antipathies so readily eradicated。 Mrs。 Reed took her hand away; and; turning her face rather from me; she remarked that the night was warm。 Again she regarded me so icily; I felt at once that her opinion of me—her feeling towards me—wa
