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第18部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 游戏降临:输出都得喊我一声妈!我就是打球某咒术的心理治疗师仗剑独行斩鬼神美漫哥谭没有蝙蝠侠灌篮高手之赤木来袭全民穿越:从石头人开始赋生万物重生利物浦NBA:从不一样的湖人队开始游戏王者异常乐园老婆的神级陪练天下第一足球经理风尘四起网游之金币为真种田游戏就是要肝网游:开局获得辟邪剑谱泡面首富这款游戏绝对有问题复兴利物浦

you have; into the post at Lowton; answers must be addressed to J。E。; at the post…office there; you can go and inquire in about a week after you send your letter; if any are e; and act accordingly。”

This scheme I went over twice; thrice; it was then digested in my mind; I had it in a clear practical form: I felt satisfied; and fell asleep。

With earliest day; I was up: I had my advertisement written; enclosed; and directed before the bell rang to rouse the school; it ran thus:—

“A young lady accustomed to tuition” (had I not been a teacher two years?) “is desirous of meeting with a situation in a private family where the children are under fourteen (I thought that as I was barely eighteen; it would not do to undertake the guidance of pupils nearer my own age)。 She is qualified to teach the usual branches of a good English education; together with French; Drawing; and Music” (in those days; reader; this now narrow catalogue of acplishments; would have been held tolerably prehensive)。 “Address; J。E。; Post…office; Lowton;—shire。”

This document remained locked in my drawer all day: after tea; I asked leave of the new superintendent to go to Lowton; in order to perform some small missions for myself and one or two of my fellow…teachers; permission was readily granted; I went。 It was a walk of two miles; and the evening was wet; but the days were still long; I visited a shop or two; slipped the letter into the post… office; and came back through heavy rain; with streaming garments; but with a relieved heart。

The succeeding week seemed long: it came to an end at last; however; like all sublunary things; and once more; towards the close of a pleasant autumn day; I found myself afoot on the road to Lowton。 A picturesque track it was; by the 
