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第2部分(第6/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 双城之战:第九议员网游之独步逍遥校花别撩我,我只想打篮球!绝世唐门之力挽狂澜神话再临:我获得了烛龙血脉风起龙城足坛大魔王我!天灾饲养员!一天不打仗朕就浑身难受NBA:穿越神医变教练带飞姚明斗罗:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿不靠谱剑仙学生议事录让你当王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了?都重生了,还让我从头开始纵横率土从获得神豪系统开始网游之剑界木叶:来自宇智波的灵魂之王斗罗之霍雨浩知道了剧情丹道仙族

he was good and preoccupied; I tugged on

her sleeve and asked; “Now?”

She nodded and whispered; “Okay; but take it easy! I'll be over there in a minute。”

I was too excited not to charge across the street; but I did try very hard to be civilized once I

got to the moving van。 I stood outside looking in for a

record…breaking length of time; which was hard because there he was! About halfway back!

My new sure…to…be best friend; Bryce Loski。

Bryce wasn't really doing much of anything。 He was more hanging back; watching his father

move boxes onto the lift…gate。 I remember feeling

sorry for Mr。 Loski because he looked worn out; moving boxes all by himself。 I also

remember that he and Bryce were wearing matching turquoise

polo shirts; which I thought was really cute。 Really nice。

……… Page 8………

When I couldn't stand it any longer; I called; “Hi!” into the van; which made Bryce jump; and

then quick as a cricket; he started pushing a box like

he'd been working all along。

I could tell from the way Bryce was acting so guilty that he was supposed to be moving

boxes; but he was sick of it。 He'd probably been moving

things for days! It was easy to see that he needed a rest。 He needed some juice! Something。

It was also easy to see that Mr。 Loski wasn't about to let him quit。 He was going to keep on

moving boxes around until he collapsed; and by then

Bryce might be dead。 Dead before he'd had the chance to move in!

The tragedy of it catapulted me into the moving van。 I had to help! I had to save him!

When I got to his side to help him shove a box forward; the poor boy was so exhausted that

he just moved aside and let me tak

