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第37部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 林云嫣徐简小说全本免费阅读林云嫣徐简小说全文免费阅读完整版狂武战王楚天河秦晓柔林云嫣徐简的小说全文免费阅读无弹窗林云嫣徐简全集小说阅读免费燕辞归免费阅读小说为在空岛生存,连夜钓上神级武将杨洛异界群雄争霸,我慢慢无敌大夏国九皇子夏天司马兰抗战之君临天下罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌免费阅读全文罗天蓝秀儿玄幻开局一身无敌大招免费阅读全文玄幻开局一身无敌大招小说全文免费阅读联盟之卧龙军师联盟之卧龙军师星途:风暴猎杀秦风杨如雪陈浩苏雪重生我主宰了全球经济

otions shall not be shared between me and the shape he sees in his mirror。 Mr。 Rochester; now sing; and I will play for you。”

“I am all obedience;” was the response。

“Here then is a Corsair…song。 Know that I doat on Corsairs; and for that reason; sing it con spirito。”

“mands from Miss Ingram’s lips would put spirit into a mug of milk and water。”

“Take care; then: if you don’t please me; I will shame you by showing how such things should be done。”

“That is offering a premium on incapacity: I shall now endeavour to fail。”

“Gardez…vous en bien! If you err wilfully; I shall devise a proportionate punishment。”

“Miss Ingram ought to be clement; for she has it in her power to inflict a chastisement beyond mortal endurance。”

“Ha! explain!” manded the lady。

“Pardon me; madam: no need of explanation; your own fine sense must inform you that one of your frowns would be a sufficient substitute for capital punishment。”

“Sing!” said she; and again touching the piano; she menced an acpaniment in spirited style。

“Now is my time to slip away;” thought I: but the tones that then severed the air arrested me。 Mrs。 Fairfax had said Mr。 Rochester possessed a fine voice: he did—a mellow; powerful bass; into which he threw his own feeling; his own force; finding a way through the ear to the heart; and there waking sensation strangely。 I waited till the last deep and full vibration had expired—till the tide of talk; checked an instant; had resumed its floy sheltered corner and made my exit by the side…door; which was fortunately near。 Thence a narrow passage led into the hall: in crossing it; I perceived my sandal was loose; I stopped to tie it; kneeling down for that purpose on the mat at the foot of the staircase
