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第89部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 原神:我在原神看手相的那些年红温AD,我收徒就能变强银河启蒙超神机械师之星界使徒NBA万界主教CSGO:载物模版!超神替补我是武球王阿拉德第一剑豪,神豪的豪!金币亿万万,我养出众神领地公路求生,开局半条命一条狗死亡亿次,我复制天赋杀穿万族!停尸道观规则怪谈:茅山后裔申请出战重生末世的种田大佬逆天萌兽:绝世妖女倾天下大师姐只是性格有点佛,又不是弱当诡异降临世界,死亡即是终点妻子背叛,我的报复太超前末世求生,开局攻略邻居太太

eep… thrilling chord—to open no fresh well of emotion in his heart: my sole present aim was to cheer him。 Cheered; as I have said; he was: and yet but by fits。 If a moment’s silence broke the conversation; he would turn restless; touch me; then say; “Jane。”

“You are altogether a human being; Jane? You are certain of that?”

“I conscientiously believe so; Mr。 Rochester。”

“Yet how; on this dark and doleful evening; could you so suddenly rise on my lone hearth? I stretched my hand to take a glass of water from a hireling; and it was given me by you: I asked a question; expecting John’s wife to answer me; and your voice spoke at my ear。”

“Because I had e in; in Mary’s stead; with the tray。”

“And there is enchantment in the very hour I am now spending with you。 Who can tell what a dark; dreary; hopeless life I have dragged on for months past? Doing nothing; expecting nothing; merging night in day; feeling but the sensation of cold when I let the fire go out; of hunger when I forgot to eat: and then a ceaseless sorrow; and; at times; a very delirium of desire to behold my Jane again。 Yes: for her restoration I longed; far more than for that of my lost sight。 How can it be that Jane is with me; and says she loves me? Will she not depart as suddenly as she came? To…morrow; I fear I shall find her no more。”

A monplace; practical reply; out of the train of his own disturbed ideas; was; I was sure; the best and most reassuring for him in this frame of mind。 I passed my finger over his eyebrows; and remarked that they were scorched; and that I would apply something which would make them grow as broad and black as ever。

“Where is the use of doing me good in any way; beneficent spirit; when; at some fatal moment; you will again desert m

