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第63部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 上古卷轴:永恒之神第二世界的我们接手湖人从老詹4万分开始穿越兽世后凭借医术躺赢了我在游戏里出不去了王者:我的中路爆杀全场冷青衫新书妖魔降临?龙国十亿玩家夹道欢迎CSGO教练我想学白给我就不是主教练那个料NBA:板凳皇帝网游之无敌盾战网游:武林巅峰之路游戏降临,首杀公告刷屏全网!网游之统一全球异界领主:从建筑奇迹开始全民求生:我是地窟第一猛男游戏入侵:我的血能毒杀异界神魔S级高危人格,你管这叫小可怜?荣耀背后

of her own; of which it appears nothing can cure her; and which is incident to her harassing profession; her vigilance has been more than once lulled and baffled。 The lunatic is both cunning and malignant; she has never failed to take advantage of her guardian’s temporary lapses; once to secrete the knife with which she stabbed her brother; and twice to possess herself of the key of her cell; and issue therefrom in the night…time。 On the first of these occasions; she perpetrated the attempt to burn me in my bed; on the second; she paid that ghastly visit to you。 I thank Providence; who watched over you; that she then spent her fury on your wedding apparel; which perhaps brought back vague reminiscences of her own bridal days: but on what might have happened; I cannot endure to reflect。 When I think of the thing which flew at my throat this morning; hanging its black and scarlet visage over the nest of my dove; my blood curdles

“And what; sir;” I asked; while he paused; “did you do when you had settled her here? Where did you go?”

“What did I do; Jane? I transformed myself into a will…o’…the…wisp。 Where did I go? I pursued wanderings as wild as those of the March… spirit。 I sought the Continent; and went devious through all its lands。 My fixed desire was to seek and find a good and intelligent woman; whom I could love: a contrast to the fury I left at Thornfield—”

“But you could not marry; sir。”

“I had determined and was convinced that I could and ought。 It was not my original intention to deceive; as I have deceived you。 I meant to tell my tale plainly; and make my proposals openly: and it appeared to me so absolutely rational that I should be considered free to love and be loved; I never doubted some woman might be found willing and able to 

