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第53部分(第4/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 战龙上班,然后教育魔法少女汉匈:一不小心成了大唐天可汗我持刀护你[电竞]网游之天空大领主信息素上瘾小心我夹爆你喔[电竞]全民游戏:开局极夜荒野求生全民求生,榜一她总是不看路快到游戏里来联盟之声望系统暗区:重生到暗区刚内测星穹之上与光同行巨兽求生战场:开局获得幸运七!洛杉矶之王三国无双之最强战神王者:六边形战士开创AG王朝领主:我的蚁族无限进化从MC开始的异界生活绿茵神锋

ry and be sulky if necessary—for the sake of a mere essay of my power?”

“I dare you to any such experiment。 Encroach; presume; and the game is up。”

“Is it; sir? You soon give in。 How stern you look now! Your eyebrows have bee as thick as my finger; and your forehead resembles what; in some very astonishing poetry; I once saw styled; ‘a blue…piled thunderloft。’ That will be your married look; sir; I suppose?”

“If that will be your married look; I; as a Christian; will soon give up the notion of consorting with a mere sprite or salamander。 But what had you to ask; thing;—out with it?”

“There; you are less than civil now; and I like rudeness a great deal better than flattery。 I had rather be a thing than an angel。 This is what I have to ask;—Why did you take such pains to make me believe you wished to marry Miss Ingram?”

“Is that all? Thank God it is no worse!” And now he unknit his black brows; looked down; smiling at me; and stroked my hair; as if well pleased at seeing a danger averted。 “I think I may confess;” he continued; “even although I should make you a little indignant; Jane—and I have seen what a fire…spirit you can be when you are indignant。 You glowed in the cool moonlight last night; when you mutinied against fate; and claimed your rank as my equal。 Ja; by…the…bye; it was you who made me the offer。”

“Of course I did。 But to the point if you please; sir—Miss Ingram?”

“Well; I feigned courtship of Miss Ingram; because I wished to render you as madly in love with me as I was with you; and I knew jealousy would be the best ally I could call in for the furtherance of that end。”

“Excellent! Now you are small—not one whit bigger than the end of my little finger。 It was a burning shame and a scandalous disgrace 

