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第85部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛之嘴炮巨星我们即是天灾明日方舟:神级选择网游:满级了还在新手村杀兔子出道就是巅峰怎么办全民试炼:天赋重构六指门魔从绝地求生开始的大明星绿湾奇迹全民永生?我稍微开个挂足球小将,你管这叫17岁?男神欠债不还钱[网游]最强玄学教练篮球之越爆越强龙族:小龙人转职美食猎人生存游戏升级日常篮坛:我在NBA加点成超巨我的异界漫画家生活我夺舍了詹皇这次我要当球星

For the evening reading before prayers; he selected the twenty…first chapter of Revelation。 It was at all times pleasant to listen while from his lips fell the words of the Bible: never did his fine voice sound at once so sweet and full—never did his manner bee so impressive in its noble simplicity; as when he delivered the oracles of God: and to…night that voice took a more solemn tone—that manner a more thrilling meaning—as he sat in the midst of his household circle (the May moon shining in through the uncurtained window; and rendering almost unnecessary the light of the candle on the table): as he sat there; bending over the great old Bible; and described from its page the vision of the new heaven and the new earth—told how God would e to dwell with men; how He would wipe away all tears from their eyes; and promised that there should be no more death; neither sorrow nor crying; nor any more pain; because the former things were passed away。

The succeeding words thrilled me strangely as he spoke them: especially as I felt; by the slight; indescribable alteration in sound; that in uttering them; his eye had turned on me。

“He that overeth shall inherit all things; and I will be his God; and he shall be my son。 But;” was slowly; distinctly read; “the fearful; the unbelieving; &c。; shall have their part in the lake which burh with fire and brimstone; which is the second death。”

Henceforward; I knew what fate St。 John feared for me。

A calm; subdued triumph; blent with a longing earnestness; marked his enunciation of the last glorious verses of that chapter。 The reader believed his name was already written in the Lamb’s book of life; and he yearned after the hour which should admit him to the city to which the kings of the earth bring the

