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第50部分(第4/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 战龙上班,然后教育魔法少女汉匈:一不小心成了大唐天可汗我持刀护你[电竞]网游之天空大领主信息素上瘾小心我夹爆你喔[电竞]全民游戏:开局极夜荒野求生全民求生,榜一她总是不看路快到游戏里来联盟之声望系统暗区:重生到暗区刚内测星穹之上与光同行巨兽求生战场:开局获得幸运七!洛杉矶之王三国无双之最强战神王者:六边形战士开创AG王朝领主:我的蚁族无限进化从MC开始的异界生活绿茵神锋

arriage; and I saw no preparation going on for such an event。 Almost every day I asked Mrs。 Fairfax if she had yet heard anything decided: her answer was always in the negative。 Once she said she had actually put the question to Mr。 Rochester as to when he was going to bring his bride home; but he had answered her only by a joke and one of his queer looks; and she could not tell what to make of him。

One thing specially surprised me; and that was; there were no journeyings backward and forward; no visits to Ingram Park: to be sure it was twenty miles off; on the borders of another county; but what was that distance to an ardent lover? To so practised and indefatigable a horseman as Mr。 Rochester; it would be but a morning’s ride。 I began to cherish hopes I had no right to conceive: that the match was broken off; that rumour had been mistaken; that one or both parties had changed their minds。 I used to look at my master’s face to see if it were sad or fierce; but I could not remember the time when it had been so uniformly clear of clouds or evil feelings。 If; in the moments I and my pupil spent with him; I lacked spirits and sank into inevitable dejection; he became even gay。 Never had he called me more frequently to his presence; never been kinder to me when there—and; alas! never had I loved him so well。

Chapter 23

A splendid Midsummer shone over England: skies so pure; suns so radiant as were then seen in long succession; seldom favour even singly; our wave…girt land。 It was as if a band of Italian days had e from the South; like a flock of glorious passenger birds; and lighted to rest them on the cliffs of Albion。 The hay was all got in; the fields round Thornfield were green and shorn; the roads white and baked; the trees were in their dark prime

