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第16部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 接手湖人从老詹4万分开始穿越兽世后凭借医术躺赢了我在游戏里出不去了王者:我的中路爆杀全场冷青衫新书妖魔降临?龙国十亿玩家夹道欢迎CSGO教练我想学白给我就不是主教练那个料NBA:板凳皇帝网游之无敌盾战网游:武林巅峰之路游戏降临,首杀公告刷屏全网!网游之统一全球异界领主:从建筑奇迹开始全民求生:我是地窟第一猛男游戏入侵:我的血能毒杀异界神魔S级高危人格,你管这叫小可怜?荣耀背后迷雾领主:开局一只鹰,终成国主天赋:与世无争

g I said。 She had a turn for narrative; I for analysis; she liked to inform; I to question; so we got on swimmingly together; deriving much entertainment; if not much improvement; from our mutual intercourse。

And where; meantime; was Helen Burns? Why did I not spend these sweet days of liberty with her? Had I forgotten her? or was I so worthless as to have grown tired of her pare society? Surely the Mary Arm Wilson I have mentioned was inferior to my first acquaintance: she could only tell me amusing stories; and reciprocate any racy and pungent gossip I chose to indulge in; while; if I have spoken truth of Helen; she was qualified to give those who enjoyed the privilege of her converse a taste of far higher things。

True; reader; and I knew and felt this: and though I am a defective being; with many faults and few redeeming points; yet I never tired of Helen Burns; nor ever ceased to cherish for her a sentiment of attachment; as strong; tender; and respectful as any that ever animated my heart。 How could it be otherwise; when Helen; at all times and under all circumstances; evinced for me a quiet and faithful friendship; which ill…humour never soured; nor irritation never troubled? But Helen was ill at present: for some weeks she had been removed from my sight to I knew not what room upstairs。 She was not; I was told; in the hospital portion of the house with the fever patients; for her plaint was consumption; not typhus: and by consumption I; in my ignorance; understood something mild; which time and care would be sure to alleviate。

I was confirmed in this idea by the fact of her once or twice ing downstairs on very warm sunny afternoons; and being taken by Miss Temple into the garden; but; on these occasions; I was not allowed to go and speak to h

