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第19部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 原神:我在原神看手相的那些年红温AD,我收徒就能变强银河启蒙超神机械师之星界使徒NBA万界主教CSGO:载物模版!超神替补我是武球王阿拉德第一剑豪,神豪的豪!金币亿万万,我养出众神领地公路求生,开局半条命一条狗死亡亿次,我复制天赋杀穿万族!停尸道观规则怪谈:茅山后裔申请出战重生末世的种田大佬逆天萌兽:绝世妖女倾天下大师姐只是性格有点佛,又不是弱当诡异降临世界,死亡即是终点妻子背叛,我的报复太超前末世求生,开局攻略邻居太太

Millcote; with such large figured papering on the walls as inn rooms have; such a carpet; such furniture; such ornaments on the mantelpiece; such prints; including a portrait of George the Third; and another of the Prince of Wales; and a representation of the death of Wolfe。 All this is visible to you by the light of an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling; and by that of an excellent fire; near which I sit in my cloak and bon; my muff and umbrella lie on the table; and I am warming away the numbness and chill contracted by sixteen hours’ exposure to the rawness of an October day: I left Lowton at four o’clock a。m。; and the Millcote town clock is now just striking eight。

Reader; though I look fortably acmodated; I am not very tranquil in my mind。 I thought when the coach stopped here there would be some one to meet me; I looked anxiously round as I descended the wooden steps the “boots” placed for my convenience; expecting to hear my name pronounced; and to see some description of carriage waiting to convey me to Thornfield。 Nothing of the sort was visible; and when I asked a waiter if any one had been to inquire after a Miss Eyre; I was answered in the negative: so I had no resource but to request to be shown into a private room: and here I am waiting; while all sorts of doubts and fears are troubling my thoughts。

It is a very strange sensation to inexperienced youth to feel itself quite alone in the world; cut adrift from every connection; uncertain whether the port to which it is bound can be reached; and prevented by many impediments from returning to that it has quitted。 The charm of adventure sweetens that sensation; the glow of pride warms it; but then the throb of fear disturbs it; and fear with me became predominant when half…an…hour elapsed and stil

