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第48部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 游戏降临:输出都得喊我一声妈!我就是打球某咒术的心理治疗师仗剑独行斩鬼神美漫哥谭没有蝙蝠侠灌篮高手之赤木来袭全民穿越:从石头人开始赋生万物重生利物浦NBA:从不一样的湖人队开始游戏王者异常乐园老婆的神级陪练天下第一足球经理风尘四起网游之金币为真种田游戏就是要肝网游:开局获得辟邪剑谱泡面首富这款游戏绝对有问题复兴利物浦

ore; craving; whining; and idling—and suffer the results of your idiocy; however bad and insuperable they may be。 I tell you this plainly; and listen: for though I shall no more repeat what I am now about to say; I shall steadily act on it。 After my mother’s death; I wash my hands of you: from the day her coffin is carried to the vault in Gateshead Church; you and I will be as separate as if we had never known each other。 You need not think that because we chanced to be born of the same parents; I shall suffer you to fasten me down by even the feeblest claim: I can tell you this—if the whole human race; ourselves excepted; were swept away; and we two stood alone on the earth; I would leave you in the old world; and betake myself to the new。”

She closed her lips。

“You might have spared yourself the trouble of delivering that tirade;” answered Georgiana。 “Everybody knows you are the most selfish; heartless creature in existence: and I know your spiteful hatred towards me: I have had a specimen of it before in the trick you played me about Lord Edwin Vere: you could not bear me to be raised above you; to have a title; to be received into circles where you dare not show your face; and so you acted the spy and informer; and ruined my prospects for ever。” Georgiana took out her handkerchief and blew her nose for an hour afterwards; Eliza sat cold; impassable; and assiduously industrious。

True; generous feeling is made small account of by some; but here were two natures rendered; the one intolerably acrid; the other despicably savourless for the want of it。 Feeling without judgment is a washy draught indeed; but judgment untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition。

It was a wet and windy afternoon: Georgiana had fall

