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第45部分(第5/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 原神:我在原神看手相的那些年红温AD,我收徒就能变强银河启蒙超神机械师之星界使徒NBA万界主教CSGO:载物模版!超神替补我是武球王阿拉德第一剑豪,神豪的豪!金币亿万万,我养出众神领地公路求生,开局半条命一条狗死亡亿次,我复制天赋杀穿万族!停尸道观规则怪谈:茅山后裔申请出战重生末世的种田大佬逆天萌兽:绝世妖女倾天下大师姐只是性格有点佛,又不是弱当诡异降临世界,死亡即是终点妻子背叛,我的报复太超前末世求生,开局攻略邻居太太

ple to see her that distance?”

“Her name is Reed; sir—Mrs。 Reed。”

“Reed of Gateshead? There was a Reed of Gateshead; a magistrate。”

“It is his widow; sir。”

“And what have you to do with her? How do you know her?”

“Mr。 Reed was my uncle—my mother’s brother。”

“The deuce he was! You never told me that before: you always said you had no relations。”

“None that would own me; sir。 Mr。 Reed is dead; and his wife cast me off。”


“Because I was poor; and burdensome; and she disliked me。”

“But Reed left children?—you must have cousins? Sir George Lynn was talking of a Reed of Gateshead yesterday; who; he said; was one of the veriest rascals on town; and Ingram was mentioning a Georgiana Reed of the same place; who was much admired for her beauty a season or two ago in London。”

“John Reed is dead; too; sir: he ruined himself and half…ruined his family; and is supposed to have mitted suicide。 The news so shocked his mother that it brought on an apoplectic attack。”

“And what good can you do her? Nonsense; Jane! I would never think of running a hundred miles to see an old lady who will; perhaps; be dead before you reach her: besides; you say she cast you off。”

“Yes; sir; but that is long ago; and when her circumstances were very different: I could not be easy to neglect her wishes now。”

“How long will you stay?”

“As short a time as possible; sir。”

“Promise me only to stay a week—”

“I had better not pass my word: I might be obliged to break it。”

“At all events you will e back: you will not be induced under any pretext to take up a permanent residence with her?”

“Oh; no! I shall certainly return if all be well。”

“And who goes with you? You don’

