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第15部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: C罗求我别归化,呦西羡慕哭了战胤和海彤网友两年半,野王兄弟竟是软妹子老子就是救世主网游之乱世辉煌公路求生,我能入侵修改系统陈平耿姗姗小说我都修仙了,还要读书?篮球:在NBA修仙的日子南璃楚烁免费穿越小说沈惊觉和白小小谢台姝色王者:我玩啥,你们都说超标?鉴宝神眼:开局获得转运神通游戏降临:从单机开始逐步成神斗罗v:从捡到失忆的比比东开始卢丹妮邓佳哲末世:囤女神,系统百倍返现全球灾变:开局建设神级战车初之心盛霆烨

ng; “Fortunately; I have it in my power to supply deficiencies for this once。”

Having invited Helen and me to approach the table; and placed before each of us a cup of tea with one delicious but thin morsel of toast; she got up; unlocked a drawer; and taking from it a parcel wrapped in paper; disclosed presently to our eyes a good…sized seed…cake。

“I meant to give each of you some of this to take with you;” said she; “but as there is so little toast; you must have it now;” and she proceeded to cut slices with a generous hand。

We feasted that evening as on nectar and ambrosia; and not the least delight of the entertainment was the smile of gratification with which our hostess regarded us; as we satisfied our famished appetites on the delicate fare she liberally supplied。

Tea over and the tray removed; she again summoned us to the fire; we sat one on each side of her; and now a conversation followed between her and Helen; which it was indeed a privilege to be admitted to hear。

Miss Temple had always something of serenity in her air; of state in her mien; of refined propriety in her language; which precluded deviation into the ardent; the excited; the eager: something which chastened the pleasure of those who looked on her and listened to her; by a controlling sense of awe; and such was my feeling now: but as to Helen Burns; I was struck with wonder。

The refreshing meal; the brilliant fire; the presence and kindness of her beloved instructress; or; perhaps; more than all these; something in her oind; had roused her powers within her。 They woke; they kindled: first; they glowed in the bright tint of her cheek; which till this hour I had never seen but pale and bloodless; then they shone in the liquid lustre of her eyes; ore sing
