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第38部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 星途:风暴猎杀秦风杨如雪陈浩苏雪重生我主宰了全球经济女富婆的贴身神医楚阳秦瑶NBA:全体球星抱团只为击败我序列附魔师!开局死神镰刀!无敌王者:天才只是见我的门槛!超神学院之天使关于猴子掉进泰拉瑞亚这件事篮球小子浩珅成长之路灾难世界之我有红警阿拉德冒险传说狼人杀:神级猎魔,四猎四狼嘴强玩家:我一句话解封众神虚拟现实:这个NPC不是太正经人在荒野,樱花乱杀开局七根羽毛,这也算天赋?全民海洋求生:一发入魂出奇迹

I saw he was going to marry her; for family; perhaps political reasons; because her rank and connections suited him; I felt he had not given her his love; and that her qualifications were ill adapted to win from him that treasure。 This was the point—this was where the nerve was touched and teased—this was where the fever was sustained and fed: she could not charm him。

If she had managed the victory at once; and he had yielded and sincerely laid his heart at her feet; I should have covered my face; turned to the wall; and (figuratively) have died to them。 If Miss Ingram had been a good and noble woman; endowed with force; fervour; kindness; sense; I should have had one vital struggle with two tigers—jealousy and despair: then; my heart torn out and devoured; I should have admired her—acknowledged her excellence; and been quiet for the rest of my days: and the more absolute her superiority; the deeper would have been my admiration—the more truly tranquil my quiescence。 But as matters really stood; to watch Miss Ingram’s efforts at fascinating Mr。 Rochester; to witness their repeated failure—herself unconscious that they did fail; vainly fancying that each shaft launched hit the mark; and infatuatedly pluming herself on success; when her pride and self…placency repelled further and further what she wished to allure—to witness this; was to be at once under ceaseless excitation and ruthless restraint。

Because; when she failed; I saw how she might have succeeded。 Arrows that continually glanced off from Mr。 Rochester’s breast and fell harmless at his feet; might; I knew; if shot by a surer hand; have quivered keen in his proud heart—have called love into his stern eye; and softness into his sardonic face; or; better still; without ight have been won。

