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第84部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:开局成为邪龙之子竞彩足球的进行时罗天蓝秀儿小说最新章节免费阅读罗天蓝秀儿免费阅读无弹窗九卷天书诸天无敌罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌丸子先生罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌最新章节在线阅读罗天蓝秀儿小说全文免费阅读九卷天书诸天无敌小说全文免费阅读NBA:爱发推特的我统治了联盟nba历史最强球员NBA:开局融合鲨鱼文班亚马拥有魔王基因的我,真没想吃软饭夏天司马兰领主争霸:亡灵天灾全民十连抽,我能看到抽奖概率御萝她拒绝封神网游:得知我的天赋,妹子们跪了生存游戏:开局给个王宝钏区块游戏

ng of the moon; which he had been contemplating as I approached。

“No; St。 John; we are not friends as we were。 You know that。”

“Are we not? That is wrong。 For my part; I wish you no ill and all good。”

“I believe you; St。 John; for I am sure you are incapable of wishing any one ill; but; as I am your kinswoman; I should desire somewhat more of affection than that sort of general philanthropy you extend to mere strangers。”

“Of course;” he said。 “Your wish is reasonable; and I am far from regarding you as a stranger。”

This; spoken in a cool; tranquil tone; was mortifying and baffling enough。 Had I attended to the suggestions of pride and ire; I should immediately have left him; but something worked within me more strongly than those feelings could。 I deeply venerated my cousin’s talent and principle。 His friendship was of value to me: to lose it tried me severely。 I would not so soon relinquish the attempt to reconquer it。

“Must we part in this way; St。 John? And when you go to India; will you leave me so; without a kinder word than you have yet spoken?”

He nooon and faced me。

“When I go to India; Jane; will I leave you! What! do you not go to India?”

“You said I could not unless I married you。”

“And you will not marry me! You adhere to that resolution?”

Reader; do you know; as I do; what terror those cold people can put into the ice of their questions? How much of the fall of the avalanche is in their anger? of the breaking up of the frozen sea in their displeasure?

“No。 St。 John; I will not marry you。 I adhere to my resolution。”

The avalanche had shaken and slid a little forward; but it did not yet crash down。

“Once more; why this refusal?” he asked。

“Formerly;” I ans

