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第82部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮坛之嘴炮巨星我们即是天灾明日方舟:神级选择网游:满级了还在新手村杀兔子出道就是巅峰怎么办全民试炼:天赋重构六指门魔从绝地求生开始的大明星绿湾奇迹全民永生?我稍微开个挂足球小将,你管这叫17岁?男神欠债不还钱[网游]最强玄学教练篮球之越爆越强龙族:小龙人转职美食猎人生存游戏升级日常篮坛:我在NBA加点成超巨我的异界漫画家生活我夺舍了詹皇这次我要当球星

oundless stores of His providence; supply the inadequacy of the means to the end。 Think like me; Jane—trust like me。 It is the Rock of Ages I ask you to lean on: do not doubt but it will bear the weight of your human weakness。”

“I do not understand a missionary life: I have never studied missionary labours。”

“There I; humble as I am; can give you the aid you want: I can set you your task from hour to hour; stand by you always; help you from moment to moment。 This I could do in the beginning: soon (for I know your powers) you would be as strong and apt as myself; and y help。”

“But my powers—where are they for this undertaking? I do not feel them。 Nothing speaks or stirs in me while you talk。 I am sensible of no light kindling—no life quickening—no voice counselling or cheering。 Oh; I wish I could make you see how much my mind is at this moment like a rayless dungeon; with one shrinking fear fettered in its depths—the fear of being persuaded by you to attempt what I cannot acplish!”

“I have an answer for you—hear it。 I have watched you ever since we first met: I have made you my study for ten months。 I have proved you in that time by sundry tests: and what have I seen and elicited? In the village school I found you could perform well; punctually; uprightly; labour uncongenial to your habits and inclinations; I saw you could perform it with capacity and tact: you could win while you controlled。 In the calm with which you learnt you had bee suddenly rich; I read a mind clear of the vice of Demas:… lucre had no undue power over you。 In the resolute readiness with which you cut your wealth into four shares; keeping but one to yourself; and relinquishing the three others to the claim of abstract justice; I recognised a soul that revelled in the flam

