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第69部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 星途:风暴猎杀秦风杨如雪陈浩苏雪重生我主宰了全球经济女富婆的贴身神医楚阳秦瑶NBA:全体球星抱团只为击败我序列附魔师!开局死神镰刀!无敌王者:天才只是见我的门槛!超神学院之天使关于猴子掉进泰拉瑞亚这件事篮球小子浩珅成长之路灾难世界之我有红警阿拉德冒险传说狼人杀:神级猎魔,四猎四狼嘴强玩家:我一句话解封众神虚拟现实:这个NPC不是太正经人在荒野,樱花乱杀开局七根羽毛,这也算天赋?全民海洋求生:一发入魂出奇迹

has had a misunderstanding with her friends; and has probably injudiciously left them。 We may; perhaps; succeed in restoring her to them; if she is not obstinate: but I trace lines of force in her face which make me sceptical of her tractability。” He stood considering me some minutes; then added; “She looks sensible; but not at all handsome。”

“She is so ill; St。 John。”

“Ill or well; she would always be plain。 The grace and harmony of beauty are quite wanting in those features。”

On the third day I was better; on the fourth; I could speak; move; rise in bed; and turn。 Hannah had brought me some gruel and dry toast; about; as I supposed; the dinner…hour。 I had eaten with relish: the food was good—void of the feverish flavour which had hitherto poisoned what I had swallowed。 When she left me; I felt paratively strong and revived: ere long satiety of repose and desire for action stirred me。 I wished to rise; but what could I put on? Only my damp and bemired apparel; in which I had slept on the ground and fallen in the marsh。 I felt ashamed to appear before my benefactors so clad。 I was spared the humiliation。

On a chair by the bedside were all my own things; clean and dry。 My black silk frock hung against the wall。 The traces of the bog were removed from it; the creases left by the wet smoothed out: it y very shoes and stockings were purified and rendered presentable。 There were the means of washing in the room; and a b and brush to smooth my hair。 After a weary process; and resting every five minutes; I succeeded in dressing myself。 My clothes hung loose on me; for I was much wasted; but I covered deficiencies with a shawl; and once more; clean and respectable looking—no speck of the dirt; no trace of the disorder I so hated; and which seemed so 

