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第40部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:开局成为邪龙之子竞彩足球的进行时罗天蓝秀儿小说最新章节免费阅读罗天蓝秀儿免费阅读无弹窗九卷天书诸天无敌罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌丸子先生罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌最新章节在线阅读罗天蓝秀儿小说全文免费阅读九卷天书诸天无敌小说全文免费阅读NBA:爱发推特的我统治了联盟nba历史最强球员NBA:开局融合鲨鱼文班亚马拥有魔王基因的我,真没想吃软饭夏天司马兰领主争霸:亡灵天灾全民十连抽,我能看到抽奖概率御萝她拒绝封神网游:得知我的天赋,妹子们跪了生存游戏:开局给个王宝钏区块游戏

on these two last…named points; but they got only blushes; ejaculations; tremors; and titters; in return for their importunity。 The matrons; meantime; offered vinaigrettes and wielded fans; and again and again reiterated the expression of their concern that their warning had not been taken in time; and the elder gentlemen laughed; and the younger urged their services on the agitated fair ones。

In the midst of the tumult; and while my eyes and ears were fully engaged in the scene before me; I heard a hem close at my elbow: I turned; and saw Sam。

“If you please; miss; the gipsy declares that there is another young single lady in the room who has not been to her yet; and she swears she will not go till she has seen all。 I thought it must be you: there is no one else for it。 What shall I tell her?”

“Oh; I will go by all means;” I answered: and I was glad of the unexpected opportunity to gratify my much…excited curiosity。 I slipped out of the room; unobserved by any eye—for the pany were gathered in one mass about the trembling trio just returned—and I closed the door quietly behind me。

“If you like; miss;” said Sam; “I’ll wait in the hall for you; and if she frightens you; just call and I’ll e in。”

“No; Sam; return to the kitchen: I am not in the least afraid。” Nor was I; but I was a good deal interested and excited。

Chapter 19

The library looked tranquil enough as I entered it; and the Sibyl— if Sibyl she were—was seated snugly enough in an easy…chair at the chimney…corner。 She had on a red cloak and a black bon: or rather; a broad…brimmed gipsy hat; tied down with a striped handkerchief under her chin。 An extinguished candle stood on the table; she was bending over the fire; and seemed reading in a little black book; like a

